Saturday, October 20, 2012

It will come as no surprise

to anyone who knows me that I completed assignment #1 and no other in my online Get Your Paint On! class. I shall post that sad, singular assignment next.  Given the cost of the online class, perhaps the most expensive sample painting I've ever done....

In the meantime. I spent today in an all-day training session that left me feeling hopeless for all mankind, if not my immediate colleagues. In my fantasies my dream job would be to be paid to MAKE ART, PIN ON PINTEREST, and PROCLAIM MY INSIGHTS.

1) Thus, although not my art, I was shocked to find that the incredible artist for this utilitarian but oh-so-beautiful Kleenex box was not printed on this box!  The artist is in fact Cori Dantini. She's wonderful. {click on photo}

2) Good God in Heaven the time I have spent on Pinterest is shocking. It is both my delight and my sorrow and I've known profound love and profound betrayal from it. Silly sounding, I know. But Pinterest had a profound impact on my life.

3) Lastly, I proclaim this insight. I astudiously maintain both my blog and Pinterest as politics-free. But I have a hatred for the Romney-Ryan ticket that is..unrivaled. If those toxic, deceitful despots are elected, the fucktards that voted for them will get exactly what they deserve. And I pity us all.

Which brings me to the glowing beautiful cocktail next to the the Kleenex box. It's my own recipe which I shan't divulge. Because it is so delicious I'm certain it will win me top prize in a cocktail contest. And I'll need the money if R&R are elected because those douchebags will undoubtedly do away with the institution of a free and democratic public library. I will tell you this contains orange juice.