Monday, January 28, 2013


When I'm making my art, I eventually end up with a pile of eyeglasses of varying diopters. I curse my middle-aged poor vision. It's really a nuisance. That said I do like my frames, purchased from
I.C.U Eyewear or Deb's Spec's.  I love Eyebobs too, but they are crazy expensive. And yes, those are Martha Stewart Paints you see but please, let us not give that woman any more PR than she already drums up for herself.

At least I can find some succor in the cocktail mentioned here.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Ransom me

A few days ago I saw this clever idea on Pinterest for organizing found letters; perhaps for composing a ransom note? The photo originated on Natalie Ratkovski's lovely Flickr photostream.

After discussing the project with my supremely talented sister "Calypso" on Pinterest, I'm prompted to share my own clever idea for organizing the alphabet.

Using plastic jewelry bags from Michaels, I used rub-on letters for each bag, punched a hole in the top (the bag opening facing down as you see here), and put the whole shebang on a binder ring.
Theoretically, as I make or find letters I just put them in their respective bag and then it's ready to go for a journal page or ransom note if needed.

I hang the ringed-set from a magnetic clip on the side of my file cabinet.

After all that work, I've collected maybe.... 8 total letters? And here's what my first and last ransom note will say...{click on image to make it a little larger and then click anywhere on the black space to return to this page}

Sunday, January 13, 2013

The sublime into the mundane

I downloaded a neat little app called Visual Poet onto my iPhone. It's not without its bugs (like the inability to work with the type), but the app does allow one to make these nice little photobooth-esque strips of poetry, all from your little 'ol phone.

I think it would be cool to print them on photo paper and make nice bookmarks with them. Be sure and check out Visual Poet's own site and on Tumblr. Some clever designers have used the app quite effectively for promo materials.