To me every hour of the light and dark is a miracle, every cubic inch of space is a miracle.
To me every hour of the light and dark is a miracle, every cubic inch of space is a miracle.
Part OneTHE AGE OF MYSTERYEgypt Before Time...It is quite one thing to perform the mysteries on inanimate objects, to cause boulders to melt into lava, to dry up a stream with the force of one's breath, for it is well-known that all things exist in all forms at all times; it's merely a matter of learned skills to shift them from one state into another. But to transform oneself--- that is the thing that will tempt and terrify every Practitioner, in one form or another, for as long as he lives. Many an adept, quite competent in all other areas, will never achieve the state of simple Oneness that is necessary to become another living being. But for the three of us, in that long-ago time in the House of Ra, the gift came easily. Perhaps too easily.There has been much debate over the millennia as to whether the transformation was literal, physical transmutation of matter, or an equally literal, but far less demonstrable, transfiguration of spirit. Did I become the frog <deer>, or did I merely cast my consciousness into the essence of frog-ness <deer-ness>, and did I do it with such power and conviction as to cause others to see me as I saw myself- in the form of a frog <deer>? I tell you now it is one and the same. All magic is an illusion, and all reality is only what one perceives it to be, and in the world in which we lived the fine line between these two planes of existence was so faint as to be almost invisible.